Lincoln Street Bridge & Dam
The makeover consisted of demolition of the existing roadway bridge and dam and replacing it with a steel beam roadway bridge and dam. The dam was moved so it was no longer underneath the bridge and the new dam includes an attractive fish ladder and boat pass. The boat pass allows kayaks and canoes to pass under the bridge, around the dam and stay in the river. If you look at the boat pass from above it looks like a series of bowtie-shaped structures. The bowties control the flow of water. A fish ladder lines either side of the boat pass and allows smaller fish to climb their way upstream. The ladder slows the current enough so the fish can pass. It is in the only fish ladder in the state of Kansas. The project also includes a series of walking paths and an expansive observation deck where people can sit or stand by the river.
Wichita, Kansas
City of Wichita
Prime Contractor
MKEC Engineering